Resep : Brownis chocolatos yang Cepat

Lezat, bergizi, mudah, cepat dan enak.

Apa kabar Sobat pada kesempatan kali ini Saya akan memberikan resep cara bikin Brownis chocolatos mudah yang bisa Bunda coba

Brownis chocolatos. Brownies have so much going for them; great flavor, easy to make, and so versatile. An easy chocolate brownie recipe that's simple to make and tastes fantastic. It's everything you want in a brownie - fudgy, dark and chocolatey.

Cara Membuat Brownis chocolatos

Brownis chocolatos While chocolate brownies might still always hold the highest place in my heart, these white chocolate brownies are going to be making an appearance in my life for decades. I love them even more than chocolate chips cookies. Think about it: you only get a small amount of chocolate when you eat a chocolate chip cookie. Cara membuat Brownis chocolatos mudah ini hanya menggunakan 9 bahan saja dan hanya 3 langkah. Dibawah ini resep mengenai cara buat Brownis chocolatos selengkapnya yang dapat Bunda coba.

Bahan-Bahan Brownis chocolatos

Bahan yang diperlukan :

  1. Silahkan Sobat siapkan 10 sdk of tepung terigu.
  2. Silahkan kalian siapkan 2 butir of telur.
  3. Silahkan Bunda siapkan 2 saset of chocolatos original.
  4. Silahkan Bunda siapkan 5 sdk of gula pasir.
  5. Silahkan Bunda siapkan 2 saset of susu kental manis.
  6. Silahkan Bunda siapkan 1/2 sdk of baking soda.
  7. Silahkan kalian siapkan of Topping.
  8. Silahkan Bunda siapkan 1 bungkus kecil of oreo.
  9. Silahkan Sobat siapkan of Chococips.

These gorgeous Raspberry Chocolate Brownies are divine. Made with real dark chocolate, studded with chocolate chips and packed with fresh raspberries, they make. These Healthy Greek Yogurt Brownies with Chocolate Ganache are so fudgy and delicious that no one ever suspects they're healthy! I know I have shared so SO many.

Panduan Brownis chocolatos

Silahkan Sobat simak step by step cara membuat Brownis chocolatos berikut ini :

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahan.
  2. Dalam wadah kocok telur+gula+soda kue hingga tercampur rata, lalu masukkan teppung terigu+susu kental manis+chocolatos lalu mixer atau kocok menggunalan sendok hingga tercampur rata.
  3. Lalu siapkan kukusan, beri margarin atau minyak pada cetakan kue lalu tuang adonan, kukus selama 15-20 menit lalu tusuk jika sudah tidak lengket. Brownis dikeluarkan dari cetakan lalu sajikan.

Double chocolate brownies with sweet citrus orange zest. Chocolate Orange Brownies are homemade soft chewy double chocolate brownies with sweet orange zest. These Guinness Chocolate Brownies are the moistest brownies ever, and they're an awesome combination of cakey and fudgy. This fudgy and delicious chocolate brownie recipe comes together with one bowl in just a few minutes! You'll love the flavor and texture so be forewarned.